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👀 Is the U.S. creating a cryptocurrency?

The Fed is joining the crypto fad. On Jan. 20, 2022, the federal reserve began to discuss issuing a CBDC, a central bank digital currency....

Good Morning. Welcome to The Seek, the one-stop shop for crypto news. We have a good one today, so strap up and get ready for this ride 🚀.

Here is what to expect today:

  • The U.S. is creating it's own crypto coin?

  • Ethereum Merge

  • BlackRock Establishes a Bitcoin trust

  • The Weekly Meme :)


The Fed is joining the crypto fad. On Jan. 20, 2022, the federal reserve began to discuss issuing a CBDC, a central bank digital currency. A CBDC is most similarly referred to as a cryptocurrency in this space.

Who is the Fed aka Federal Reserve?

  • Central banking system of the United States

  • creates U.S. monetary policies

  • Basically controls U.S. economy

But isn't the dollar already digital? 💸 Although money can be spent online and sent to whoever you want by just reaching into your pocket, it is not truly a digital asset, because of all the middlemen your transactions go through.

Why does the fed want to create a digital asset/cryptocurrency? Currently, it is a 50/50 split within our government, as some say it will improve our economy, and some saying we are trying to fix a problem that has not occurred.


  • No middleman

  • More security

  • New Financial and equity market integration


  • Bank revenue decreases

  • Financial exchanges takes a beating

  • Gov. can track taxes easier


Ethereum is transforming to Ethereum 2.0, and it is sooner than you think. It's not like we have been waiting for years already 😞. Nonetheless, Ethereum 2.0 will be evolving in mid-September, as long as they don't mess this up, again.

Why should I care?

  • Proof of work to proof of stake

  • Triple Halving (Emission rate drops 4.3% --> 0.4%)

  • Faster transactions/Less energy

Yes, it's true the Bitcoin halving that sends all crypto to the moon is happening with Ethereum, but, upping the intensity. Recently, Ethereum had a quick temporary rally as we approached the release date, going up 100% in a few weeks. Please keep mooning 🙃


The $10 trillion asset manager, BlackRock, is now getting into crypto. On Aug. 4th, Coinbase and Blackrock partnered allowing BlackRock clients to trade and invest in crypto.

Now for the big question, is BlackRock bullish on crypto? They have established a trust which rolls the ball a few more inches toward mass adoption. However, this is only the beginning and more institutions may be rolling into the crypto markets soon 🙏.

The Big boys are coming are you ready? Respond to this email about what you are going to do in the coming months in the crypto market.


That's it for today folks. Stay tuned till next Wednesday! If you want to ask questions or reach out, respond to this email :)

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